Sunday, October 18, 2009


This has been the strangest year:

  • The economy crashed & everyone has been on-edge about jobs and such - and with good reason.
  • The summer was cool and wet - good, but weird, just the same. We saved a bundle on electricity because I don't think we turned on the A/C all summer. 
  • See previous post - I accomplished something I truly never thought I would do. Of course, since then I have barely been on the bike between work and shorter days. 
  • It's COLD this weekend. Warm last. Warm tomorrow. Snow in the forecast? in October in VA? Huh?
  • My hip. Turns out I have a mis-aligned pelvis. The therapist is not sure if it was caused by an injury or is something I have had all my life. What we do know is that for years I have been prone to nagging pain and injury on my left side. Now it is going to be at least 2 months before I can hike, walk any distance or run. 
  • I love to run & this is the best time of year to do it. Waaa.
  • Parents who cook up a reality TV show & put their 6 year old kid up to an elaborate hoax...only to get busted by that same 6 year old. Good for him!
  • Hate. Is it just me or is there a lot more hate these days? I wish we could all just be nice & respect one another's differences. Chill.
  • TV. I'm so glad we aren't wasting $$ on that any more.
  • Swine Flu. 'Nuff said.