Monday, June 23, 2008

Mt. Vernon Trail

I'm just back from a ride from Old Town Alexandria to Mt. Vernon on the Mt. Vernon Trail. My hotel is one block from the trail, where passes through Old Town on the streets, and it's exactly 20 miles from here to Mt. Vernon and back.

It was a most enjoyable ride. It is NOT the kind of riding we are used to in Madison. The trail is very much like the parts of the Cap to Cap trail we've been on. It's narrow and crooked and there were lots of walkers, joggers, and bikers...mostly on hybrids or commuter bikes. There was no place I was able to put the hammer down. I averaged 12.4 MPH on the entire ride.

Still, for what it is it was a great experience. Mostly flat with some rolling knolls (I won't call them hills). Some beautiful views along the Potomac, particular down toward Mt. Vernon. It crosses lots of streets, but in residential areas along the Parkway where there is little traffic and well-mannered. The one time I would have actually had to stop for a car, the car stopped and waved me through!

There is one place about 3 miles from Mt. Vernon where a bridge on the trail is under construction and I had to walk the bike for oh 50 yards or so.

It was weird going under the Wilson Bridge which is under construction. There was actually a flag man under the bridge working the trail telling cyclists to slow or stop. They were working on cranes up under the bridge, which is quite low right there, as I passed.

A recommmended experience, but not for training for a fast or hilly ride!

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