Saturday, June 21, 2008

Let's get going!

Welcome, MadCyclists!

It was suggested to me, based on my MS150 ride report a couple weeks ago, that I start a blog to record the MadCyclists' thoughts and opinions of cycling....and other stuff. I know we have several members who are talented writers - and then there are the rest of us - who are a diverse group of people who happen to love one common thing - cycling. I am looking forward to reading what everyone has to say. I do have a few rules I would like all to follow (hey, I can do that - it's MY blog!):

1. No flaming other posters
2. We are all adults (right?) so let's act that way and keep all discussions and posts civil
3. No heated discussions about religion or politics
4. No porn, none, never.
5. Proofread what you post before you publish it!

OK gang - let's get going!


Unknown said...

What a great idea, Jane. But religion and politics are prohibited!? Aren't all bikers leftist radicals?

I'm staying in a beautiful hotel on King Street in Old Town Alexandria near the Mt. Vernon trail. Either tomorrow afternoon or Tuesday I'll get a chance to ride on it and I'll leave some reflections. From what I've seen so far along the Parkway it looks like mostly casual biking.

OutOfSightCyclist said...

Hope this gets us all involved with sharing our cycling lives with others.

I'm stranded in LA going on my 7th week, hoping to leave here on Mon or Tues for the Santa Barbara area for about 1-2 weeks.My bike arrived yesterday in wonderful shape (Les, you are the finest). I went on perhaps a 10 miler this morning trying to beat the heat here (most areas climbing over the century mark!). City cycling is very different than county roads of Madison county, always keeping myself known to drivers on the BLVD. I encounter long gradual hill climbs though and after a long absence being on my bike I did pay the penalty, just how poor shape I truely am in now LOL.

Tomorrow I will try it all again at an earlier hour like 5AM.

Stay tuned.

jane - chief whiner said...

Barry - I THINK all bikers are leftist radicals, but I'm not positive...:) And I never said religion and politics were prohibited, I said "heated discussions" are!