Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Good Stuff!

Ok, it's been a little while since I wrote anything here. I was waiting for inspiration and on my way home from the bike ride this afternoon, I got it. My ear was stuck to the cell phone, as it often is that time of day, talking to Michael. **Break for Public Service Announcement: I am sure you all were worried about him, but he is fine. He survived the earthquake in CA without a scratch, though he says things were shaking, rattling & rolling for a few seconds. Now back to your regularly scheduled blog.**

A beep in my ear signaled a text message. After I hung up from talking to Michael, I checked my message and it was from NYC-dwelling daughter, Liz. She had news - she has been published!!! Now for you seasoned writers, I am sure that is nothing special, but this is her first time and a dream come true for her. Yay, Liz! (Please picture proud Mom, patting herself on the back as she is sure Liz got her talent from her...)

Another reason to be happy tonight - yet again, we MADcyclists dragged our unsuspecting victims (a.k.a. Mary & Aden) on a leisurely 16 mile ride - on Ruth Road...(insert evil laugh here)....and they did a spectacular job! I can't say the same for me - I was slow and my legs were screaming - but hey, it was still fun. Every ride is.

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