Every day is someone's birthday. No, every day is many, many someones' birthdays.(Someone's? Where does that apostrophe go anyway?) There is hardly a day that goes by when I do not know of a person or a member of his family who is celebrating a birthday. But it is when that day is celebrated by a person who is one of the most important people in my life that I stop and really think: What a special day this is!
Not only is this person having a birthday, but this person is someone who makes me proud; someone who makes me laugh; someone who makes me cry - in a good way. I hurt because I cannot be there every minute to experience all the wonderful - and not-so-wonderful - things life throws at this person. Come to think of it, I have been present for many of those things, even recently. And if I was not there physically, I was a phone call away. I am glad for that. I hope I am always there in some shape or form.
I remember when you were born. It was a hot, humid July day. It took eleven hours of very, very hard work but when you arrived, all that hard work was immediately a distant memory. Thus began about 2 1/2 months of little sleep for me.....but oh, so many wonderful hours of togetherness! You were a fussy baby - no wonder you ended up cycling! You absolutely, positively hated being still! Those few months (five, to be exact) before you were independently mobile were quite frustrating for you. Once you could crawl, you were much happier. And crawl you did! Then walk, then run, then swim...
I do not have the words to express how proud you have made me, nor do I have the words to express how much I love you - but I do. I wish I could give you the world because that is what you deserve. Happy Birthday, Lee. I love you.
I just read this. Thanks mom, I love you.
Quite a special bond between them, you think? I have come to have a great admiration for this awesome person and cyclist. He is a very great person to know and love. Happy Birthday my friend!
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